my ingredients to life....

my ingredients to life...
this blog is to share recent happenings, our culinary feats, knitting creations, stories of travels, and just updates of our lives in general. i believe that the small parts of each day inbetween the clock in and clock out, commute and the few precious hours of sleep really are the key components to a happy life. i am truely blessed, no complaints.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


After getting my camera, and that I'm finally learning how to really use it, I've been inspired to start another blog. I hope to capture moments of my life, or ingredients, that make up the meaningful parts to my life. Some of my inspiration for this blog comes from Pioneer Woman, a few friends, and Julie and Julia. I will post updates on knitting projects, photographs, cooking and baking, and whatever else I feel like that day. So now that I've got this started, hopefully I will be able to set aside the time to make regular posts!

Thanks for reading!

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